2016 Neterian Conference Recordings page (dup)


Here below you will be able to access the recordings for the 2016 Neterian Conference lectures and events.

Video:2016 Neterian Conference Welcome by Dr. Dja Ashby

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Intro to SN by Dr Dja Ashby

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 1

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 2

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 3

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 4

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 5

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 6

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 7

Video: 2016 Neterian Conference Advanced Wisdom of Maat Philosophy by Dr. Muata Ashby Part 8


2016 NETERIAN CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES: Children’s Play, Divine Singing, 360 degree group videos, etc.


Below you will find a YOUTUBE PLAYLIST with a special compilation setup by Dr. Muata Ashby that complements some of the themes presented in the conference lectures. ALso you will find a recording of a talk by D. Ashby on these subjects.

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