Month: March 2014

New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 2: Principle of Correspondence– Part 1

THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE We welcome those of you who are coming to visit us, to study the practice of our religion: Shetaut Neter. In this lecture we will discuss the principle of the Kybalion that relates to the concept of “Correspondence.” Before going forward we should understand that the practice of religion has three main steps and those are… Read more →

New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 1: Principle of Mind– Conclusion, Meditation and Q and A

MEDITATION ON PRINCIPLE #1 Sebai MAA: Hetep. (four times) Response (four times) We will have a brief meditation on the first teaching of the Kybalion. The universe is mental. All is mind. Closing your eyes, sitting with your back straight, allowing your abdomen to expand as you breathe in, allowing it to contract towards your spine as you breathe out.… Read more →

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