Greetings Go to this link to find more information about the new Egyptian Mysteries school being started by Sebai MAA Go now to the Orientation website for the Egyptian Mysteries School Training Program. This is an information site for for those aspirants seeking spiritual training in the teaching of Shetaut Neter (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries) and Sema Tawi (Egyptian Yoga)… Read more →

Author: Muata Ashby
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER Part 2
When your mind is cleansed from impressions of ignorance and unrighteousness (actions based on untruth – lack of Maat) you actually can realize that there is an I within you, that has been there all along and that has been actually trying to speak to you and that you can converse with and this is the Asar meeting the Asar.… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER Part 1
THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER Part 1 The Ancient Egyptian God Geb and Goddess Nut We continue today our current studies of our current series, called the Seven Principles of the Kybalion. In brief, The Kybalion is a collection of seven teachings, Hermetic teachings and as you know, the Hermetic teachings come from the god Hermes, which is the Greek name… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Cause and Effect Pt. 1B
The story of your life has not been written and yet the plot of your life, the general parameters of your life are controlled by your Karmic basis, your Ariu, your actions of the past; your thoughts of the past; your desires so on so forth. As we saw in the story of Akbar, you can change your fate by… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Cause and Effect Pt. 1A
Chants: Hetep; Om Amun Ra Ptah; Om Asar Aset Heru; Om Maati Maakheru; Amma Su en Pa Neter; Drumming, Dua Maat and Om Hetep. It is fitting that we did the Maat song just now because as we continue today’s talk, today’s study in the series on the Kybalion, the Seven Hermetic Principles, the teachings of Djehuty, the Lord of… Read more →
Kemetic Life Skills Class series 1 – 2014
Link for audio recording: Listen To Spirituality Internet Radio Stations with Shetaut Neter on BlogTalkRadio Kemetic Life Skills Series Sebai Maa on BlogTalkRadio Class 1 04/26/2014 With this new series Sebai Maa will present practical methods, based on the teachings of Shetaut Neter for living a Kemetic, spiritual life. Many new and old practitioners of the teaching regularly and typically… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Rhythm Part 1
The Principle of Rhythm Part 1 B There’s a little bit of evil and there’s a little bit of good. Nothing is all bad or nothing is all good. Where is the demarcation point between one pole and another? Where is the exact point where light is and darkness is, or darkness ends and light begins? We talked about how… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Polarity Pt. 2
The Principle of Polarity Pt. 2 In this practice of the Kybalion you are changing your vibrations from the lower vibrations from the lower to the higher, you are changing your polarity from the negative polarity to a positive polarity, you are moving from below to above. All of the teachings are all aspects, part of the same teaching. Each… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Polarity Pt. 1
The Principle of Polarity Pt. 1 Opening Chants: Hetep; Om Amun Ra Ptah; Om Asar Aset Heru; Om Maati Maakheru; Amma Su en Pa Neter; HTP di si Neter iri mettu wadj; Dua Ra Khepera; Dua Asar; Om Hetep; Om Peace We continue today with our talks dealing with the Kybalion teachings. This is about the fourth lecture in the… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 3: Principle of Vibration Q and A
The Principle of Vibration Pt. 1A Q&A Question: Is the Kybalion text related to any particular city or God or Goddess? Answer: The Kybalion is related to the ancient Egyptian city of Khemenu, that is the city of Djehuty and Djehuty is the God that it is based on. Djehuty is the same one called Hermes by the Greeks. Question:… Read more →