Month: May 2014

New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -The Principle of Polarity Pt. 2

The Principle of Polarity Pt. 2 In this practice of the Kybalion you are changing your vibrations from the lower vibrations from the lower to the higher, you are changing your polarity from the negative polarity to a positive polarity, you are moving from below to above. All of the teachings are all aspects, part of the same teaching. Each… Read more →

New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 3: Principle of Vibration Q and A

The Principle of Vibration Pt. 1A Q&A Question: Is the Kybalion text related to any particular city or God or Goddess? Answer: The Kybalion is related to the ancient Egyptian city of Khemenu, that is the city of Djehuty and Djehuty is the God that it is based on. Djehuty is the same one called Hermes by the Greeks. Question:… Read more →

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