Kemetic Diet: Food for Body, Mind and Spirit

The Kemetic Diet Program
Answers for Cancer – AIDS – Diabetes – High Blood Pressure – Arthritis – Depression – Spiritual Frustration and more

Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby

What is the Kemetic Diet? The Kemetic Diet is a program of conscious living that is based on the teachings and lifestyle of the Ancient Africans who lived in Kamit, the land today is referred to as Ancient Egypt. The ancient Kamitans were the healthiest people in the ancient world and their medical knowledge was renowned in ancient times. It is no wonder that in modern times medical doctors are failing to cope with the alarming rates of disease in modern society since they do not take into account the higher wisdom of the mind and soul when trying to heal the body only. Now there is growing interest in “alternative health approaches.” But it is quite ironic to notice that what many people are now calling by names like “dietetics,” “naturopathy,” reflexology,” “hypertherapy,” “colonics,” “detoxification,” “mind-body healing” and more, were actually originated and practiced in Ancient Africa by the Swnus or doctors of ancient Kamit.

History Lesson: A brief history of Medicine:

2000 B.C.E. Here, take this root.
1000 A.C.E. That root is for a heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.C.E. That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.C.E. That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.C.E. That pill is ineffective. Here take this antibiotic.
2000 A.C.E. That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

The book Kemetic Diet chronicles, outlines and explains the Kemetic system of health and the deeper causes of disease which begins in the soul and in the mind first so that anyone may adopt the path of health and self healing. This is why healers must take into account the spiritual and intellectual aspects of disease. The concepts now being discovered by western culture are not new but only recently rediscovered by modern culture which had turned away from natural health in favor of science and drugs. The ancient recognized early that human beings are not machines but a complex of body mind and soul. So they devised certain regulations that promote health and bring the entire personality into balance when it becomes diseased. The art of the Kemetic Diet is also being taught to those who would like to adopt it for themselves and to those who would lie to teach it by becoming Teachers of the Kemetic Diet Program or Pastoral Health Counselors of the Kemetic Diet.

The Kemetic Diet program guides an individual to everything from what foods to eat every day to how to pursue mental sanity ad peace and how to attain spiritual enlightenment, the ultimate food for the soul.

The following is a summary of the essential principles of the Kemetic Diet Health System, based on the Ancient Egyptian teachings of Health. These were extracted from the book The Kemetic Diet, Food for Body, Mind and Soul by Dr. Muata Ashby, which is a study of (Ancient African) practices and writings in the area of preventative health and healing, engendered by the first medical doctors in history…the Sunus or Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) physicians.

Health For Body, Mind and Soul

The main principles of the Kemetic Diet encompass the understanding that the personality is a complex which includes, but is not limited to the physical constitution. As such a human being requires more than just physical nourishment in order to survive and thrive as a healthy person. Therefore, a protocol has been enjoined to promote the purity of the body, mind and soul. There is a proper type of food for the body, a proper type of food for the mind and a proper type of food for the soul. If any of these foods are missing a human being will be malnourished and the personality will develop spiritual, mental or physical ailments.

Kemetic Principles of Disease and Health: Ukhedu, Mettu and Swadj
The Ancient Egyptian concept of physical disease holds that it is due to indigestion. That is, some impurity has been digested that compromises the digestive system which in turn deposits impurities into the Mettu or vascular systems. This has the effect of weakening the immune systems. This process is called Ukhedu. The way to restore health is by Swadj or cleansing the mettu, to make it green again. This greening is accomplished by means of a vegetarian diet. However, there are obstructions for the mind and soul and a human being is not considered healthy until all the “bodies” (physical, mental and causal) are restored to their original state. The cleaning of the mind and soul requires a different kind of greening. All of this process leads to Ankh, Udja, Seneb or Life, Vitality and Health.

Indigestion leads to malnutrition and malnutrition leads to the development of disease. Malnutrition, that is, ingesting foods and products that are poisonous or not getting sufficient nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, is the cause of Ukhedu (disease process). Ukhedu leads to mucus formation and this ukhedu, or the “disease process” as it was might be referred to by the doctors in ancient times is commonly referred to by modern day wholistic health practitioners as “acidosis.” So malnutrition and toxins in and around the body lead to acidosis, and acidosis leads to mucus formation. Mucus formation is a symptom of a disease that has developed to the extent wherein it cannot be contained in the body any longer. Therefore, a poor diet is referred to as a mucus-forming diet. Mucus formation is not a disease but the body’s way of getting rid of excess impurities in order to restore health and not drown in the toxic environment. Drugs that suppress mucus are actually causing the body to hoard impurities. These will stay in the body longer, and have more opportunity to cause changes (mutations) in the body that will promote disease in the future.

Food For the Body:

· Greening of the Body: Vegetarianism-Veganism (Greening) is the aspect of maintaining physical health as it is the proper diet for the human body as opposed to meat eating (inc. fish and poultry) which is known to be injurious.
· Hygiene is the first important aspect of maintaining physical health since it prevents undue parasites and conditions that promote disease.
· Cleansing the physical body through fasting and diet are integral parts of the Kemetic diet system for those who have ingested items that may compromise the digestive system.
· Uplifting actions and pursuits (virtuous) are important aspects of health maintenance as they allow the body to receive exercise and to refrain from acts that would cause injury and disease. There are three forms of actions recognized: thoughts, words and deeds. Uplifting actions include having a sublime goal in life. Life is more than just the pursuit of pleasures. It is a means to grow and discover abiding and transcendental peace and happiness. A primary means to achieve this is through selfless service to humanity.

Food For the Mind:

· Lucidity of Mind: Uplifting teachings cleans the mind by removing ignorance which leads to unrighteous and harmful actions, and removes the ignorance of self which leads to stress and sorrow.
· Cleansing the mind is enjoined through listening to the teachings (wisdom-reason) of sages and saints and wise people so that the mind may have an altruistic outlook on life.
· Discover the mysteries of mind and how to handle destructive thoughts and emotions.

Food For the Soul:
Meditation and inner self-discovery: The mind that is calm through virtue and reason is capable of scaling the heights of inner self-discovery and higher consciousness. This allows a human being to discover higher forms of consciousness and fulfillment and happiness in the spirit, which transcends time, space, disease and death itself.

The “Foods For the Body” program is the foundation of the Kemetic Diet Program. It consists in having a basis in the Ancient Egyptian whole food known is Kamut because of its highly nutritive qualities. Taken in juice form it acts also as an alkaline flush for the body to rid it of toxins as it delivers healthy chlorophyll vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids for healthy cell reconstruction. Next it is important to have a plant based (green) diet to acquire the needed chlorophyll, fiber and other nutrients needed by the body. It is important to cut out processed food so as to avoid any more chemicals or denatured foods that will further damage the DNA and lead to degenerative diseases like cancer and heart failure. Pure water is used with the Kamut juice preparation as described earlier and any other preparations consumed, avoiding TDS (total dissolved solids-poisons) placed there during processing. Air is the other essential natural element needed for flushing the body’s toxins and providing it with life force and oxygen to survive. Sunshine is also important for producing Vitamin D and inositol triphosphate, (INSP-3). Exercise allows the proper flow of body fluids to occur. This stimulates the systems and organs and aids the flushing of toxins from the body.

CANCER HEALING BOOK & VIDEO and resource compatible with Kemetic Diet system

Healing Cancer From Inside Out

– Book—Video

Healing Cancer From Inside Out
The war on cancer has just been re-written.
“Dynamite!” – T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. – The China Study

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