Chapter 3: Principle of Vibration – From The Kybalion “Nothing rests, everything moves; everything vibrates.” “To change your mood or mental state, change your vibration.” “To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, concentrate on the opposite vibration to the one to be suppressed.” The Ancient Egyptian Concept of Vibration Deck or vibration is one of the seven principles of… Read more →

Author: Muata Ashby
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 2: Principle of Correspondence– Part 2
CONTINUING FROM PART 1 And once again, let’s study the dream. You see, along with our study we study the microcosm and we get the answers. When we are studying dream, this is mystic psychology we are dealing with. When you have a dream, the objects in your dream are reflections of your consciousness, its expressions. You are projecting them… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 2: Principle of Correspondence– Part 1
THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE We welcome those of you who are coming to visit us, to study the practice of our religion: Shetaut Neter. In this lecture we will discuss the principle of the Kybalion that relates to the concept of “Correspondence.” Before going forward we should understand that the practice of religion has three main steps and those are… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 1: Principle of Mind– Conclusion, Meditation and Q and A
MEDITATION ON PRINCIPLE #1 Sebai MAA: Hetep. (four times) Response (four times) We will have a brief meditation on the first teaching of the Kybalion. The universe is mental. All is mind. Closing your eyes, sitting with your back straight, allowing your abdomen to expand as you breathe in, allowing it to contract towards your spine as you breathe out.… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Chapter 1, Part 1: Principle of Mind
CHAPTER 1 Part 1 THE TEACHINGS OF THE KYBALION PRINCIPLE OF MIND We spoke earlier of the origins of the Kybalion text as being from the Hermetic period but deriving its teaching from the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries system and in particular from the wisdom surrounding the Ancient Egyptian god Djehuty. Djehuty is a reflection of the High god, Ra. Ra… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Part 2 Online now
The following section has a listing the Principles of the Kybalion and the wisdom statements related to each principle. Part 3 will present the wisdom expositions by Sebai Dr. Muata Ashby expounding on the teaching of each principle. PART 2: MAXIMS OF THE KYBALION Principle of Mind “The all is mind; The Universe is Mental.” “Mind, as matter, may be… Read more →
Questions for the Book Project – Mysteries of the Kybalion Part 1
Udja the second installment of the book project will be uploaded soon. Here are some study questions for those of you who are studying the text so that you may seek out some of the important themes contained in the text. These questions below apply to: Book Project – Mysteries of he Kybalion Part 1 What us hermetica? Who is… Read more →
New Book Project Mysteries of the Kybalion -Part 1 Online now
Greetings This is the first installment in the creation of the new book by Seba MAA entitled Mysteries of the Kybalion. This is a pilot program to present a new book project online while allowing aspirants to partake in the process beyond acquiring the book when the editing process is completed. Here you will have an opportunity to read the… Read more →
A Kemetic Resolution Message for the new Year from Sebai MAA
We have just concluded another inspiring and humbling Neterian Conference and Festival so praises are due to spirit and appreciations are due to all participants for making the experience a memorable one once again. This is a message that reflects on where we have been and the possibilities for moving forward in the future. Below are some pictures from the… Read more →
New Book Project Starting soon on this site
This is the second notice for the New upcoming book Project ¬Mysteries of the Kybalion. Read more →