As a Neterian, I follow the Ancient African-Kamitan religious path of Shetaut Neter, which teaches… Read more →

Author: Muata Ashby
Egyptian Yoga Bookstore
Go to the Kemetic World/Egyptian Yoga Book store for books on all subjects discussed in this site. Read more →
A Book Review of Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment
What is Egyptian Yoga? This is the title of the book which soon after its release in May of 1995 became one of the most talked about books on the subject of Ancient Egypt. Now going into its second printing, Egyptian Yoga: The Philosophy of Enlightenment is unlike any other book on ancient Egyptian mythology because it opens the ancient teachings and explains them in a way which is very easy to understand and to practice them in daily life… Read more →
Shetaut Neter: The Path of Awakening
What is the purpose of Neterianism? What is the purpose of all the disciplines of Neterian spirituality? Read more →
What is a convict?
What is a convict? The dictionary defines “convict” as a person found guilty of a crime, especially one serving a prison sentence. Read more →
What is Shetaut Neter and Where did it Originate?
Shetaut Neter
is the formal name and earliest known name given by the ancient African peoples to their religion…SEE MORE Read more →
Who is Dr. “Dja” Ashby?
Karen Clarke-Ashby (Seba Dja) is a Kemetic (Kamitic) priestess, and an independent researcher, practitioner and teacher of Sema (Smai) Tawi (Kemetic)…SEE MORE Read more →
Who is Sebai Muata Abhaya Ashby?
Priest, Author, lecturer, poet, philosopher, musician, publisher, counselor and spiritual preceptor and founder of the Sema Institute-Temple of Aset….SEE MORE Read more →
The Sema Institute was founded in 1995 by Dr. Muata Ashby, Sebai Maa (“Sebai” is a Kemetic term that means spiritual preceptor and “Maa” is an abbreviation of the word “Maat”) . The term “Sma” (Sema, Sama) is a derivative of the term “Smai Tawi” meaning union of the Higher and lower Self, ie., Yoga. Thus, the Sema Institute of Yoga, Temple of Aset-Shetaut Neter, has as its sublime goal the Read more →
The Nature of Tjef Neteru
What is the importance of the postures and why have you said previously that in Neterian Religion the practitioner, the initiate is supposed to discover the powers of the gods and goddesses? Read more →