Q & A – ask Sebai Maa

Subj: Practical life problem, and the Spiritual (yogic) solution?

Greetings! Thank you for the practical and spiritual insights to my situation. Last Sunday when you said that I must be like you, I think I understand. The ultimate modeling that I will do is think like you, and that means not thinking. Since I feel that a sage is not thinking using an ego-based mind, but spontaneously allowing the divine to express and manifest itself through them (their nervous system). Hetep!


It is certainly true that enlightened sages operate out of a spontaneous wisdom derived from the spirit. An aspirant should learn to live in this manner as well and thereby become enlightened as well. However, until such enlightenment is attained, the aspirant should be guided by the teacher as well as the scriptures. If this process is engaged effectively, the aspirant will undoubtedly attain enlightenment and of course all who may be close to such a personality will be benefited greatly.


Sebai Maa


Q: What can I do about my daily spiritual discipline? I am not doing the exercises and the world seems to pull me in constantly?


Your plight is not unusual. You may consider “starting out small and growing big”. This means that you should incorporate the barest element of the program and then add on as your ability and desire increase. So begin doing one thing and do not burden yourself with more. If you do nothing else, practice the Journey of Ra posture series and no matter what just do this. Do not worry about the other postures. See what will happen.

Further helps to the spiritual discipline are conducting regular study group sessions. You may wish to start a group in your area. This helps to maintain enthusiasm and interest high. Listen to the tapes and lead discussions-see the Home Study Guide.

Further, attend the seminars-they are a great booster in maintaining the spiritual discipline.

Another Option setting up a seminar/workshop in your area. If you agree with this idea you should be the person in charge and the work you will do to manage the program will help you to develop devotion towards the teaching and the teacher and this will give you impetus to promote your own spiritual discipline.

Sebai Maa

Hi Dr. Ashby, hope things are well with you. My friend met you this summer. She and her husband were present the night that you spoke. She has just recovered from triple bypass surgery. While she was ill in the hospital, she saw you in her dream. She wanted me to tell you that. You made a very strong impression on her. Hopefully she will get in contact with you when she feels better.


Having visions of those who have caused a strong impression is a normal and auspicious event. It signals the higher self within is pointing towards the need in which the soul wants to direct life. When we have problems and adversities in life it is due to our going in a direction other than what the inner self, the soul, God, wants. This causes stress and disease. We must look towards what is fruitful and glorious as opposed to what is leading to inner disharmony. The bypasses can take care of the immediate problem but the source of the problem is not with the heart or the blood vessels or even diet. Although at some point these changes must be made, these are only effects of misdirection in life. The true cause of the problem is denying the higher need of the inner self. Disease is the soul’s way of letting us know that we must change direction in our lives, the lifestyle as well as the purpose of life must change and this will lead to health, prosperity and inner peace. You may convey to her that I remember her and have prayed for her speedy recovery.

Sebai Maa

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